One Place


One Place

Memorie di passati recenti appena accennati. Luoghi ricchi di vite. Tutto scivola nel silenzio. L’oblio è lì in attesa.

There is a sober love.

Everything is in order.

Not too many things in a house.

Not poor but not rich.

I was there for a few hours.

This was the grandparent’s house of a friend of mine.

I woke up early in the morning and I perceived all their thoughts.

The vanishing world of my childhood was there in front of me.

In the warm light of the morning.

She was sleeping and I started to take pictures.

I have forgotten this little piece of my life for 12 years.

4.380 days,

105.120 hours,

6.307.200 minutes,

more or less 378.432.000 beats of my heart.

In 2020, at home, with a Covid19 pandemic outside

I started to surf the archive.

Everything was there for another time.

One Place Personal Project